Tuesday, 12 July 2011

term 2 goals

<b>GoAnimate.com</b>: <a href="http://goanimate.com/movie/03DC7YmFNb5A?utm_source=embed&uid=0x4mNuo8-Y6s" target="_blank">got animated</a> by <a href="http://goanimate.com/user/0x4mNuo8-Y6s" target="_blank">tipene</a><br/><embed src='http://goanimate.com//api/animation/player' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' width='400' height='268' FlashVars='userId=0x4mNuo8-Y6s&movieId=03DC7YmFNb5A&chain_mids=&movieLid=0&movieTitle=got+animated&movieDesc=&apiserver=http://goanimate.com/&appCode=go&thumbnailURL=http://goanimate.com/files/thumbnails/movie/2383/2747383/5602772L.jpg&fb_app_url=http://goanimate.com/go/&copyable=0&showButtons=1&tlang=en_US&ctc=go&isEmbed=1&is_private_shared=0&isPublished=1&originalId=0zEt_fo4L-5k&is_slideshow=0&is_emessage=0&averageRating=0&ratingCount=0' allowScriptAccess='always' allowFullScreen='true'></embed><br/>Like it? Create your own at <a href='http://goanimate.com?utm_source=embed' target="_blank"><b>GoAnimate.com</b></a>. It's free and fun!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3qr8BCvuulY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A moment in time

As I lined up I slapped the zig zag as I was side stepping threw the thick squishy mud paddle as I got to the balance bean my heart was skipping a heartbeat as I going to slip and break my back I went threw the  thick squishy mud as cross the finish

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

goal settings

learning goal: im not the one thats gona talk
social goal: to listen to mr bron
home goal: to get pocket money

Thursday, 17 March 2011

camp reflection

best activity:playing touch against the parents because we beaten the parents 3 2
best game :fauls gold because you need good abilits
hardest challenge: climbing castle rock because its really steep
biggest risk: definety castle rock because the weather was terrible
funniest moment/best moment when jacob farted